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Selected Solar Observations

Monty Leventhal OAM

March 2022

Due to very bad weather the 9th March was the first opportunity to get an observation of the Sun.

A new Csi group of Sunspots was seen on the SE limb, just below the equator in AR12964. (Active Region).

Three other spot groups were observed with Classification Values (CV), of a Csi group in AR12959, a Cho group in AR12960 & a single Hsx sot in AR12961.

Filaments & Plage were also seen in the north & southern hemispheres of the Sun

Once again bad weather prevented observations until the 12th when a new single spot with a CV of Axx close to the NE limb was seen.

Also in the NE in AR12965 a large group of spots with a CV of Fki (48) was observed.

On the NW limb a single arch Prominence reached an approximate height of 74,000km

On 14th on the NE limb a double arched Prominence reached a height of about 37,000km. (See photo at top of this article)

In the NW AR12965 produced a type 2N double Flare. It started at 21.15UT, peaked at 22.30 & ended at 23.15. It had an X-ray class of C1.

On the16th Sunspot activity remained quite low but there was some increase in Prominences being stronger around the limb and filaments on the face of the Sun.

Due again to bad weather there were no observations until the 19th though on that day 5 groups of Sunspots were seen, all very small.

On the SW limb a detached Prominence reached a height of 84,000km

Close to the NW limb in AR12965 a type 3F (Faint) Flare started at 21.00 UT. It peaked at 21.15 & ended at 22.50. It had an X-ray class of C1.2

This diagram of the 21st being the last for the month of March due to continuous bad weather, shows a new very small Csi groups of Sunspots in what could be AR12974.

On the NW limb a very bright arched Prominence was seen. My guess is that this is a Post Flare loop, probably remanence of the Flare seen on the 19th that had rotated round the western limb.

Due to bad weather no other observations could be made to date.

Summing up, sunspot activity for solar cycle 25 in March 2022 has become more active with Prominences & Filaments becoming stronger too. Flares were observed on the 14th & 19th on my watch during March.

The most Sunspots seen on one day was 16 in 3 groups & the most groups seen on one day was on the 19th with five groups which included only 7 Sunspots.

7 daily observations were made. The remaining 24 days were cloud covered and/or rain.

A total 17 areas of Plage, a total of 2 Flares & a total of 7 Filaments were observed for the month.

The relevant sunspot number for the month was 43 and the average CV number was 53.

My forecast for the month of April is a further increase in Sunspot and Flare activity and an increase with stronger & brighter Prominences. (weather permitting)

Monty Leventhal OAM.


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