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Toner Stevenson

Behind the scenes at ASKAP: Presented by Dr Vanessa Moss, CSIRO

Mon 6 Nov, 6:30pm, Via Zoom. This keynote talk will commence at 6:30pm.

The Australian SKA Pathfinder is the nation's newest radio telescope, featuring advanced receiver technology designed and built at CSIRO, Australia's national science agency. In 2023, it started full survey operations for a variety of astronomy teams, and it will spend the next five years surveying as much of the southern sky as possible. Working with ASKAP in this transitional phase is definitely an adventure, as will be outlined by Head of ASKAP Science Operations, Dr Vanessa Moss. She'll give a behind-the-scenes look at how ASKAP works, the great astronomy discoveries it is making already, its relationship to other telescopes worldwide, the big data and automation challenges already pushing the limits of modern technology, and how it is paving a path to future megascience projects like the SKA.


Dr Vanessa Moss is a radio astronomer based at CSIRO Space & Astronomy in Australia. In her position at CSIRO, she is Head of Science Operations for the ASKAP telescope in remote Western Australia, managing astronomical observations from specification to the arrival of the data at the Pawsey Supercomputing Centre. In her research, she has studied cosmic phenomena across the universe, from the hidden structure of the Milky Way halo to dense gas casting shadows against distant black holes, and is a core member of FLASH (First Large Absorption Survey in HI). Vanessa has extensive experience in big data analysis/visualisation, automation of complex systems and science communication across numerous contexts. She is a strong advocate for optimising all interactions by maximising accessibility, inclusivity and sustainability, and leads "The Future of Meetings" community of practice to explore and disseminate new ways of meeting and collaborating. Image Credit: CSIRO

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